Paul Forrest Exhibition

Event:  The Art Resuscitation Project.

Venue:          The Studio, upstairs @ 146 Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington

When:           8th – 17th November

Come along if you can. They’re looking grand.

Newtown artist Paul Forrest is having an exhibition of his new works at The Studio at 146 Riddiford Street for 10 days from 8th-17th of November.

On show will be his new oil paintings on top of old classic art prints that have been gleaned from secondhand stores around Wellington. He’s become the artist as ‘life guard’ breathing the 21st Century into these works, making his mark on them – the art of recycling art.
The artists include; Canaletto, John Gully, Renoir, Gainsborough, Constable, Corot, Vermeer and many more. He’ll be at The Studio 10am -5pm everyday over those 10 days creating new work.

There’s 40 paintings on show. Hung to delight your eye.

You can also go to his website  to see what’s on show.

“Remember it’s not all about selling art. Come and see what I do. That’s free.”September flowers 2013 sml