Before I Die ….

Next time you are in Riddiford St check out the long (formerly tag prone wall) on the corner of Wilson Street.   This has now been transformed into the Newtown “Before I Die…” wall.   Before I Die is a global public art project that invites people to reflect on their lives and share their personal aspirations in public space.  You are invited to roll up and use the chalk provided to add your personal statement of what it is you want to do before you die.

before i die 2before i die 3
Before I Die was originally created by artist Candy Chang on an abandoned house in her neighbourhood in New Orleans after she lost someone she loved. Since then more than 200 walls have been created in over 15 languages and in over 40 countries, including Kazakhstan, Argentina, China, Italy, Israel, Thailand, and South Africa.

This project is here in Newtown thanks to the Newtown Community Center, the Wellington Timebank, and our sponsor Resene.
For more information on the global project, or for pictures and updates of the local version