Plant Me Instead – free book

A new edition of “Plant Me Instead” for the Wellington region is out now.

Many of the weedy species invading and damaging our natural areas are ornamental plants that have jumped the fence from gardens and gone wild. It costs councils, government departments and private landowners millions of dollars, and volunteers and community groups thousands of unpaid hours, to control these weeds each year.
One of a regional series published by Weedbusters, this Plant Me Instead book has been funded by local councils and the Department of Conservation.  It lists the weeds of greatest concern to those who work and volunteer in local parks and reserves, national parks, bush remnants, wetlands and coastal areas. Suggestions are given for locally sold non-weedy species – both native and non-native – that can be used to replace these weeds in your garden.
Please contact if you would like a free copy, or you can download it.