April Meeting Minutes

Our Association’s meeting on April 20th went ahead via Zoom, as we were still in the middle of the Level 4 Lockdown to combat Covid-19.

The 14 people who tuned in started with a check-in round, with people saying how they were getting on during the level 4 lockdown and raising issues of concern. We observed that most of us (at the meeting) are quite privileged compared to some other parts of the population.  

There was concern for vulnerable people around Newtown, with particular concern for the welfare of children, particularly those living in apartments without access to gardens to play in.  The meeting acknowledged the sterling work being done by the many social service agencies in Newtown, including the Newtown Community and Cultural Centre and the youth workers there, who are engaging with and supporting children and young people online.

It was also noted that Performing Artists and Technical crew have lost most of their work until the end of the year. Performers can do online events to raise a bit of money, which isn’t possible for Technicians.  The hospitality industry is also hard hit. This all has a flow on effect on Newtown Festival, which is closely involved with these sectors.

RIP – Chris Renwick

The meeting noted Chris Renwick’s passing.  Chris was a former Vice President of our Association, and held many other roles. Various members reflected on his extensive contribution to Newtown and the wider community.  This was marked by a minute’s silence.

Warwick Taylor has kindly contributed an obituary for Chris, which you can see here.

You can see the full meeting minutes here.