Notes from the March 2022 Meeting

The Newtown Residents’ Association Meeting 21 March 2022 took place on zoom.

These are a few of the issues discussed.


Rhona Carson, Association President, introduced Rachel Bolstad, who organised a successful ‘plogging’ (Picking up Litter while JOGGING) outing on March 6th, picking up rubbish on Newtown streets. This was motivated by Michelle Stronach-Marsh who is organising this regularly on Petone Beach. Michelle helped with organisation and providing specialised equipment in the form of pick up sticks (long handled tool for gripping small objects). About a dozen people came for about 90 minutes. They set out from Carrara Park and picked up about eleven large bags of rubbish.
There was a general discussion about the history of the Association’s support for Keep Newtown Clean (now discontinued), and how Plogging could be made a regular event.


Patrick Morgan outlined the decisions made at the Council meeting of 10 March, which approved all the secondary streets noted in the Paneke Pōneke – Bike network plan and also added several more streets which had been suggested during the WCC Consultation last year. The transitional bike path from Mein St along Riddiford St to Adelaide Rd and onwards to the city had already been approved and was due to be implemented in April.

Brian Dawson, from Paul Eagle’s office, relayed information from businesses in Riddiford St North and Adelaide Rd who were objecting to the lack of consultation about losing the parking and loading zone near the Adelaide Rd intersection. He and MP Paul Eagle had an appointment to discuss this with the Council.  Martin Hanley referred to the “John St Protocols” drawn up in 2013 when the impact of construction of the Countdown Supermarket had very damaging effects on the businesses there, noting how disappointing it was that these same businesses were being affected now. Cr Laurie Foon asked for a copy of this agreement, and outlined the work that is being done by Council Officers to find mitigation for the negative effects. Marion Leighton articulated the views that support the Council position of going ahead with the current plans.

Further discussion of proposals for the future use of the ex-bowling club in Owen St

This is a ‘developing story’.  Rhona described a meeting, organised by ReBicycle, of a number of community groups who discussed potential uses that would be in line with the Council’s stated plans for the site. Attendees at that meeting noted that there were other members of the community not represented and were looking into how to facilitate wider representation. Cr Laurie Foon agreed that it is a good idea for the community to come forward with ideas for use.

WCC Consultations 

Rhona reminded attendees of the Council Open Spaces and Recreation survey closing April 8th and the Economic Wellbeing  Strategy consultation, open till 25th April.

Welcome to Nureddin Abdurahman 

Rhona thanked Nureddin (recently announced as a WCC Paekawakawa/Southern Ward candidate on the Labour Party ticket) for coming to our meeting. He introduced himself, describing how he got involved in the community.