Minutes of the July 2023 Meeting

Notes from the meeting held at the St Tom’s Community Lounge, July 17th 2023.

The meeting agenda included:

Newtown Residents’ Association’s 60th Anniversary Celebrations

The Celebration will be on Saturday 29th July, with an Open Day for the public to view displays while the Market is open. From 2:30pm – 4:30pm people will be invited to gather in the Hall for afternoon tea, with speeches and cake-cutting from 3pm.

The meeting discussed the information to be displayed during the ‘open day’ part of the event, and the arrangements for the celebratory afternoon tea.

Changes to Incorporated Societies Act 2022

The impression is that NRA already covers off many of these provisions, and that many of the other requirements can be updated in the constitution fairly easily.

New requirements in the Act include that the association must have a disputes resolution process; and there are requirements about who is qualified to be an Officer of a Society. In some circumstances members will be disqualified from being committee officers, e.g. a conviction for a dishonesty related offence.

[The full Act: https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2022/0012/latest/LMS100892.html

A summary of the 1908 Act compared to the 2022 Act: https://is-register.companiesoffice.govt.nz/law-changes-for-societies/key-changes/

The section on the grounds for officer discharge: https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2022/0012/latest/LMS100915.html#LMS100915 The text of this section 47 of the Act is included at the end of the minutes.]

When the Anniversary Festivities are over we will start work on revising the Constitution, and hopefully will have this ready to be voted on at our AGM in September.

WCC Community Facilities Review – https://www.letstalk.wellington.govt.nz/wellingtons-community-facilities Submissions on the draft plan are due  by 5pm on Monday 7th August.

The meeting discussed various comments about Newtown included in the draft plan. The proposal for Newtown is to “Undertake a suburb-wide needs assessment and feasibility study to assess the optimal network of functional, cohesive and sustainable facilities.”

It was suggested that this review is an opportunity to reopen the request for toilets in Carrara Park, and that a petition (and/or WCC e-petition) would be a good way to gather support from the community (including taking the petition to nearby childcare centres).