November meeting notice

November meeting: Monday 21st November, 7.30 pm at the Newtown Hall, 71 Daniell St.  All welcome!

This will be a great opportunity to meet Ray Tuffin, the newly appointed WCC Newtown Liaison Officer, and hear about what he can do to help all Newtown residents and business people in their dealings with the Council. In his two weeks in the job he has already been following up complaints about weed growth, flooding, and other issues that have been plaguing us. He has been out and about, meeting people and getting to know the community, and is very enthusiastic about his new role.  NB – working with WREMO on facilitating a Newtown Community Response Plan is among Ray’s priorities.

Also, the November meeting is the last formal Residents’ Association meeting for the year and a good time to discuss any issues we would like to see included in the 2017 WCC Annual Plan – the call for submissions will come out before our next meeting in February, so lets be prepared!